Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral infection that affects the liver. It is uncommon in the UK but is common in developing countries where sanitation is poor and is present worldwide. It is spread through contaminated water and food (especially shellfish), contaminated faeces and close physical contact with someone that is infected. It is most infectious from about 2 weeks before any symptoms appear to about a week after any symptoms develop. There is no specific cure for Hepatitis A. 


Vaccination is recommended if you are travelling to areas with a moderate to high risk of Hepatitis A. Along with getting adequately vaccinated it is recommended that you take the following steps to reduce the risk of coming to contact with Hepatitis A:

  • Use bottled water or boiled tap water
  • Brush your teeth using bottled or boiled water
  • Don’t share towels or toothbrushes food 
  • Avoid all ice in drinks
  • Don’t eat unpasteurised dairy products
  • Do not eat raw or uncooked shell fish


Some people may not develop any symptoms, but they can take around 4 weeks to develop. The main symptoms include:

  • Flu like symptoms and feeling generally unwell 
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Liver and upper right stomach pain 
  • Yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Dark faeces and pale urine

Hepatitis A Vaccination:

Vaccines: Havrix, Avaxim or Vaqta Adult


One dose gives protection against Hepatitis A for one year. A second dose at 6-12 months gives protection for 25 years.


£53 per dose

Children’s Hepatitis A Vaccination:

Vaccines: Havrix Junior or Vaqta Paediatric

One dose gives protection against Hepatitis A for one year. A second dose at 6-12 months gives protection for 25 years.

£43 per dose.

Hepatitis A & B Vaccination:

Vaccine: Twinrix

Course of three doses over 6 months or a very rapid course is available with 3 doses over 21 days followed by a further dose at 12 months.

£75 per dose 

Children’s Hepatitis A & B Vaccination:

Vaccines: Twinrix Paediatric or Ambirix Paediatric

Course of three doses over 6 months for Twinrix or 2 doses over 6-12 months for Ambirix.

£60 per dose