Tick Borne Encephalitis
Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral infection transmitted by being bitten by a tick. It is also present in unpasteurised milk or milk products from infected animals. The risk of transmission is low and even if you are bitten your risk of the disease is still very low. It is found in most of Europe (not the UK), Russia and parts of China and Japan predominantly. Symptoms occur within 2-28 days but most commonly 7-14 days. There is no specific cure for Tick-bourne encephalitis.
Travel Precautions
Tick bite and unpasteurised milk product avoidance are the mainstay of prevention. Ticks are found in forests and grassy areas.
To reduce the risk of being bitten:
- cover your skin while walking outdoors and tuck your trousers into your socks
- use insect repellent on your clothes and skin – products containing DEET are best
- stick to paths whenever possible
- wear light-coloured clothing so ticks are easier to spot and brush off
Vaccination is the best preventative measure for those at risk alongside the measures listed above.
This depends on the sub-type involved but includes flu-like illness, fever and neurological symptoms in a variable pattern.
Tick-Bourne Encephalitis Vaccination
Vaccine: TicoVac or TicoVac Junior
Course of 2 doses over 1-2 months will provide protection for 12 months. A further dose at 5-12 months will protect for 3 years. Accelerated course over 2 weeks is possible.
£65 per dose.